This morning was a very beautiful day.
We started as the other days.
Then Fabio was talking about the idea of Resistance. “If you find a resistance is something important for you”
I found it very important because in our daily life we resist determinate feelings to avoid being affected for them. “There is no possibility to transform ourselfs without dark” “We are dark and light. It’s not true being always at the light”
Later we started to prepare our actions relate with the guidelines Fabio has given us.
After that our partner Carla sang us her own song to learn it and to be a material for the project.
It surprises me how people from other countries without knowing what they were saying at the song they cried with the vibration of the melody. How being together singing like a one voice move us to create and feel an amazing comunion.
What i feel the most these days is the love that each of us puts for this project and for the theater.
Thank you for reading us,
Luna Calvo
Today we started with the training and then we did our actions one by one.
The first one sang and Fabio told us the importance of breath, sight and verse. Also to create a logical conection with what are we doing.
At the other actions i watched that we need to keep the images because as a public we need more time to observe.
Talking about observations, Fabio talked about something he saw of the partner who used a branch: “Materials are an extension of our body. Perseve the delicate of the object. Consider the quality of the material”.
Also with this observations i learn. I learn by seeing the difficulties of others. I can see my limits too.
Is beautiful the delicacy with which one of my partners treat another one whith whom she performs her action.
One of the things that Fabio has repeated to us the most these days has been the importance of creating a conection with the public by the look. Something that makes them not disconnect. Work always outside of you. In our memory it isn’t just us.
To finish my journal i want to quote some funny but real words for the theater said by Fabio.
“No me basta el drama personal”
Un abbraccio
Luna Calvo
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